Hello my friends,
I find myself still battling jet lag while running around doing errands in preparation for the new school year. I’m still exhausted and behind on all my work.
But… I did manage to choose the replacements for the glasses eaten by the Black Sea. Joe at Optic Zone once again worked his magic. If you wear glasses, it’s worth traveling to Toronto just for him. Seriously. I took the train in and met my friend and we had a fun girls’ day out. I highly recommend it!
Now, about the filters workshop, which I haven’t even properly named yet. You know how people (therapists, life coaches, friends, your mom) tell you to establish good boundaries in all your relationships?
Filters are energetic boundaries.
I’ll say it in a way my fellow Gen-Xers will recognize:
Filters prevent you from being slimed.
And here it is for those of you who haven’t seen Ghostbusters….
Filters work. Yes, really. You can be
in a hospital
around the thanksgiving table
in a faculty meeting
on a blind date
just out in public, minding your own business, when a random energy vampire approaches you
And filters will keep your energy whole and safe.
Doesn’t that sound like something you should know? Especially those of us who are highly sensitive?
Join us Wednesday and learn the basics of filters!
Replay available
Free to paid subscribers
This workshop is included with your Intellect & Intuition paid subscription. I do these workshops in good faith that people won’t sign up for the link and then unsubscribe. I’m here to build a community of people on a healing journey who will come together to grow.
To purchase the workshop separately, without a paid subscription:
I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!